We support & enrich aging through community building & advocacy.
Some Past AWN Programs
Self-Care Strategies for Coping with Change, Grief, and Loss
January 7, 2025
A five-member panel, moderated by Joy Aaronson, offered comprehensive perspectives on this timely topic that attracted 20+ participants. Paul Sakol, clinical therapist, addressed grief at the individual level and Rick VanDyke, professional community organizer, presented the concept of community grief. Maureen Rafa, psychiatric mental health nurse, covered types of stress and strategies for managing stress. Lydia Manning, PhD gerontologist, highlighted resilience as a key to navigating life’s challenges. Sally Strosahl, clinical psychotherapist, demonstrated how deep breathing and singing can energize one’s spirit. See additional resources for more.

Physical Wellbeing for Older Adults
October 25, 2024
Physical Therapist Dr. Dan Lankenau and Occupational Therapist Dr. Sarah Zera presented a comprehensive session for 19 AWN members and 11 residents of The Oak Park Arms. We practiced a number of exercises to increase strength and flexibility. We learned about many of the causes of falling and how to prevent falls, and the numerous ways of treatment and recovery. Both Dan and Sarah work with older adults in our communities and will often come to your place of residence to work with you. They also provided some materials related to their topic which can be found here.

Green Living: Learning from Your Neighbors
September 29, 2024
About 30 AWN members and other community people participated in this joint program developed by AWN's Green Team and the Oak Park Public Library.
Several people shared their experiences with insulation, solar energy, geothermal heat pumps, induction stovetops, hybrid and fully electric cars, and much more. Our presenters included Don Burk, Phyllis Rubin, Mark and Dorie Blesoff, Kimberly Silver, IrisYipp, Allen Matthews, Hinda Blum and Derek Eder of the Oak Park Climate Action Network. Many of the suggested resources are included in our RESOURCES tab and can be found here.

Behind the Scenes at the Oak Park Public Library
July 15, 2024
Twenty-three AWN members and guests had a private tour led by Alex Skinner and her adult services staff. We broke into three groups and rotated through the private collections, the creative spaces, and an engaging discussion of services of interest to older adults. The library has so much to offer and participants were excited to learn about all the possibilities of greater use of this tremendous resource in our community.
As a result of this program, there might be interest groups formed for such things as checking out your genealogy, using the creative space to record audio stories of our lives, using the media preservation to transfer photos, videos, audio recordings to current formats, or collaborating on research using the materials in the special collection. To form an interest group, send an email to Bill Peterman and he'll help you get started. Also, check out the library's website to learn about more of what they offer.

Fun Mystery Challenges
June 12, 2024
AWN member Gil Herman in partnership with the Forest Park Public Library led a program in which several members of AWN and several library patrons of their Older Adult's Social Circle worked together to solve a robbery, a murder mystery and a 20-questions puzzle.

Online Dating for Older Adults
June 11, 2024
AWN member Joy Aaronson paid things forward by sharing her experiences of online dating. Some of the areas that she covered included meeting people, when might not be a good time to start this, what are you looking for, group work looking at best/ ok/ and worst things that could happen in this process, romance scams, safety, best sites, and making a profile.

Preventing Scams and Financial Exploitations of Older Adults
May 14, 2024
AWN members and guests engaged with a panel of experts talking about preventing scams and financial exploitation of older adults. We had speakers from AgeOptions, AWN, SEC Division of Enforcement, the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, and the Oak Park Police Department. There was a whole lot of information shared, questions answered and resources offered. Among the recommendations were:
1) Prevention is key.
2) If it sounds too good to be true - or feels a bit off - hang up/don’t respond.
3) Report potential scam to Oak Park Police at 911, Office of Illinois Attorney General, and/or SEC Division of Enforcement
Many of the resources mentioned are listed under RESOURCES here.

Expanding End-of-Life Options
April 4, 2024
Catherine Marienau and Terri Powell, members of the Oak Park End-of-Life Options Coalition, presented information on various options for people who are nearing the end of life, taking into account the individual’s values, priorities, and circumstances. They emphasized the importance of making plans now for how you wish to be cared for at the end of your life. They underscored the need to document and share this information with your loved ones and with doctors and care facilities to ensure that your wishes are honored. They provided an update on the status of Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) across the U.S. and the recently introduced bill to the Illinois Legislature, SB3499. Highly recommended: My End-of-Life Decisions: An Advance Planning Guide and Toolkit. (www.CompassionAndChoices.org/request-a-eoldgt),

Hearing Challenges and Resources for Older Adults
March 13, 2024
AWN members and guests learned from Dr. Eva Lopez about how hearing works, what causes hearing loss and how it’s measured, and a cornucopia of technical devices to assist with hearing challenges. We learned about how hearing loss can lead people to feelings of isolation, loss of productivity, and risks to health beyond hearing. We also gained clarity about how to work with a professional audiologist. Participants shared many of their own challenges and successes dealing with hearing loss, some for many years and many more recently. We learned that of adults over age 75, about 50% have mild to profound hearing loss.

Literary Salon
February, 2024
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, AWN members and guests were treated to the readings of original works by ten AWN members. The host team of Margaret Burk, Barbara Rose and Sun-Hee Yoon selected the offerings from member submissions then coordinated the program at American House Bistro enhanced with wonderful culinary delights. The readers in order of appearance – Phyllis Rubin, Jan Johnston, Peter Notier, Maureen Connolly, Elisabeth Muhlenberg, Gil Herman, Joyce Porter, Terri Powell, Charlie Hoch, and Victor Yipp – shared personal memoirs, poetry, and fiction.

Reimagining Adventure as We Age
January, 2024
This program was led by AWN member Catherine Marienau and her podcast colleague, Gail Zelitzky. Part of the presentation was hearing short audio clips of their podcast participants who shared their personal stories about what adventure means to them. Participants engaged in lively small-group conversations as well as full-group interaction about creating/having adventures and the adventure of aging itself.

More Fun Collaborative Challenges
October, 2023
This was a fifth session with all new challenges led by Gil Herman. Among other things, members solved a robbery mystery, solved riddles and puzzles, and created wise advice using exactly 6 words.

Exploring Artificial Intelligence for Older Adults
September, 2023
Vijay Gurbani, the Chief Data Scientist at Vail Systems and a Research Associate Professor at Illinois Tech, led a lively interactive presentation on the history of artificial intelligence and the development of natural language learning systems. After that participants spent time in small groups working hands-on with ChatGPT to get a sense of how it worked and how to use it.

Sexuality and Intimacy Among Older Adults
June, 2023
AWN member Catherine Marienau and her colleague Carolyn Torkelson led an interactive program with engaged participants in a rare opportunity, in mixed company, to discuss sexual and emotional intimacy as we age. The presenters, an academic and a physician, created an open and relaxed setting for frank conversation about sexual health, including attitudes and mores, emotional and physical changes, and creative ways to enhance one’s sexual pleasure. Take home message: adults at any age are sexual beings and deserving of sexual-sensual pleasures, whatever that may mean to each of us.

Sustainability – What We Can Do to Help
May, 2023
AWN members Hinda Blum and Chris Hauri facilitated a workshop on Sustainability - What We Can Do To Help. Participants discussed how they want to be remembered by the next generations regarding what they did to protect and sustain our earth. We discussed some causes and consequences of climate change and the power of older adults to affect policy. Participants brainstormed specific actions they could do in their homes, in their communities and families. Participants left with a list of green organizations they could join as well as resources they could use in our goal to transition to green energy. As a follow up, the Green Team Interest group was created.

People Helping People
April, 2023
We invited four local non-profits to tell us about the work they do and possibly encourage older adults to volunteer. Each organization – Housing Forward, Sarah’s Inn, Exodus World Service and Beyond Hunger – gave an overview of their history and current services. Additionally an AWN member who volunteers with each organization told their story of involvement. This was followed by an opportunity for participants to go around to each organization’s station to further engage and possibly sign up for further information or volunteer potential.

Youth Business Ideas for Older Adults
March, 2023
Five teams of high school students from the OPRFHS Incubator Business class presented their ideas to our members and guests. Each group received kudos and feedback from participants and following the presentations, had an opportunity to move around to stations where they could talk further. Business ideas included creating celebrations of life using digital media, having a reading “glasses” in the form of a card carried in a pocket on a smart phone, providing a groups of high school students to help with chores, repurposing old tech to pass it along to non profits, and creating a space where young people could take out their stress by smashing things.

Fun Collaborative Challenges
February 2023
During February and early March, 2023, AWN member Gil Herman facilitated four sessions of Fun CollaborativeChallenges. Each session engaged between 15 – 20 older adults in a variety of team building activities including such challenges as solving a murder mystery, surviving a (simulated) plane crash, crossing a magic carpet, and word games. All challenges encouraged collaboration and led to much hilarity and getting to know each other even better.

Arbor West Neighbors
Arbor West Neighbors (AWN) is a grassroots organization of neighbors in Oak Park, River Forest, Forest Park and Austin connected to support and enrich aging through community building and advocacy. Our mission is to empower adults to thrive as we age in community.
Our vision is to build a multi-ethnic, multicultural community where all older adults are valued, age with dignity, and enjoy opportunities for growth and engagement.
We are an all-volunteer 501(c)3 organization with over 120 members.